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Gov. Cuomo Proposes Changes to NYS Estate Tax

New York is one of only fourteen states that tax estates. That means in addition to the federal estate tax, a New York estate could be paying another 9% – 16% to Albany – a fact that some believe is leading to a migration from New York to other states. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new budget […]

Separation and Divorce in the age of social media can be dangerous!

Posting an angry rant on Facebook or Twitter is far more dangerous than standing on your front steps and yelling it.  Internet posts never fully disappear, and any attempt to delete your post could be construed as tampering with evidence, if someone wants to use the post in court. Click here for an interesting article […]

Important statutory changes in NY divorce law effective January 31, 2014

The Combined Parental Income Cap under the Child Support Standards Act, i.e., the amount of parents’ combined income that will be applied to the formula for calculating child support, has been adjusted from $136,000 to $141,000;  and The Income Cap under the Temporary Maintenance Guidelines has been adjusted from $524,000 to $543,000.